Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are the cornerstone of Thriving in Place (TIP). Our volunteer Carolina Preserve residents provide services for our neighbors in need and/or assist in the operational aspect of our corporation. Many of our services are in-person, but there are several opportunities to assist us in other ways.
In-Person and Other Assistance
- Transportation - ride to and/or from medical and other appointments
- Handy Helpers - assistance with such things as changing smoke alarm batteries, changing lightbulbs, replacing air filters. doing light gardening, moving light items and other household requests
- Technology Support for computers (PC and Mac), tablets ( Android and iPad), smart phones (Android and iPhone), Wireless network, televisions (including remotes), printers, scanners and fax machines etc.
- Check-ins done by phone calls or visits
Committee Assistance
- Dispatchers - processing service requests, organizing and managing Villager information, handling phone and email messages sent to the TIP office
- Outreach - getting the word out to our community, especially new residents, about TIP and the free services available to them
- Volunteer Coordination - making phone calls when needed, recruiting new volunteers, participating in orientation sessions etc.
- Fundraising - helping our corporation raise money to sustain TIP's free services and for operational expenses
- Resource - creating a vendor list of paid providers for services that TIP is unable to arrange with volunteers
- Board of Directors - reviewing policy and procedures, discussing concerns brought to the attention of the board, requires attending monthly meetings