You may also donate by mail
To donate by mail, click here to download form, print it, and mail the completed donor form with your check to:
Thriving in Place
7151 O'Kelly Chapel Rd. #252
Cary, NC 27519
PLEASE NOTE: We no longer have a mailbox at Bradford Hall. All donations should now be mailed to the address above.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are older than 73, check with your tax adviser about the tax advantages of making a contribution directly from an IRA account to the charity. This distribution counts toward satisfying your required minimum distribution, but can be made even if you've already taken your minimum distribution.
Gift to Honor, Remember, and Celebrate
A donation to Thriving in Place is a thoughtful way to honor or remember someone who has made an impact on your life or to celebrate a special event such as a birthday or anniversary. The downloadable form includes a section for you to indicate who it is you would like to honor, remember or celebrate. Once your gift is received, we will promptly acknowledge it by sending a card to the honoree or family you designate.
Double Your Donation
Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Ask your company if they have such a program. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift!
Always consult your own advisers before making any gift that has tax implications, particularly where state income tax laws differ from federal law as they do in many states.